Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Despite NFL Official Admitting Link to CTE, Bullet-Proof League Will Continue to Thrive

Mark this date on your calendars. A top NFL official breaks ranks and finally admits that men crashing heads over-and-over again definitely causes some sort of head trauma. While the conclusion that there is a link between playing football and this mysterious CTE disease is hardly shocking, the fact that the holier-than-thou NFL allowed a member of their brethren to state this openly to the public requires a double-take.

Perhaps there is a more nefarious plan here by the evil-genius commissioner Goddell. Or, perhaps the NFL doctors couldn’t keep their silence anymore with the mounting evidence that kept piling on their desks for the past five years. Or, maybe it was just Will Smith’s emotional request that they tell the truth. Whatever the reason, this admission opens up a plethora of other questions and concerns regarding this undeniably violent sport.

Head Hits Cause Damage? You Don’t Say…
According to the brain research performed by the NFL’s doctors, they found CTE in 90 out of 94 NFL players, 45 out of 55 college players and six out of 26 high school players. For years, the NFL turned a blind eye to the head injuries caused by its sport. Like a smoker claiming he can quit at any time, the NFL denied, denied, denied, that there was any kind of problem with their highly-lucrative game.

Jeff Miller’s admission that there is an “unequivocal link between playing football and CTE” is already creating waves. Hours after this statement, plaintiffs in a proposed settlement regarding a concussion lawsuit against the NFL objected to the terms claiming that this new evidence is a “stark turn” from what was originally agreed upon. But will it be enough to bleed the NFL dry?

Dollar, Dollar Bills
Although this revelation is pretty huge, how will this really affect the NFL in the long run? In short, probably very little. The National Football League is admired by kids and adults alike and the NFL takes full advantage of this

Adults use the league as social entertainment, whether it is drinking while watching the games with others, gambling on these games through bookies and fantasy teams, or both. Kids love the game for what it is. They love playing it (through video games and on the playground), collecting memorabilia related to it, and they love how much enjoyment that their parent’s receive from watching it.

Unfortunately, the injuries caused by the game are just an unfortunate by-product of this consumer good like crust is an unfortunate by-product of a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich. We won’t stop eating those PB&J sandwiches just because of that much harder bread-like substance, just like we won’t turn off the TVs just because a few guys get injured every single game.

The NFL should really just change the stars on their logo to dollar signs. From birth to grave, the NFL only wants your money and they entice you to follow them by waiving their own money in front of your face.

The superstars of the league sell to the kids of the world that if you work hard enough you may become a multi-millionaire star if you can crack the ranks of this highly exclusive league. On the flip side, the big wigs of the league provide adults with ways to put their hard earned money back into the league through apparel and not-so-legal daily fantasy sports partnerships.

And although they may have admitted that football and brain injuries are (somewhat) synonymous, most people will most likely do what the NFL did for years and turn a blind eye to this fact. While this “new” revelations may deter some parents from signing consent forms for their children, many more will sign away the safety of their loved ones with hopes of striking it rich one day through the “help” of this almighty organization.

These steps taken by the NFL might have been the right thing to do, however, it probably won’t be enough to stop the waves of the willing that put their lives at risk for this entrancing sport.

Related Resources:
  • What is CTE? Brain Injury Research Institute
  • NFL acknowledges, for first time, link between football, brain disease [ESPN
  • Don’t Applaud the NFL for Admitting (Sort of) That Football Leads To Brain Damage [Time]

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